VW T6.1 Metatrak S7 Fitted Chelmsford
This VW Camper T6.1 2021 model is now secure with the Metatrak S7 tracker. This tracker offers excellent protection by offering stolen vehicle recovery, a smartphone Apple and Android smartphone app and a desktop PC login. This gives you the ability to check the vehicles location by simply going onto the smartphone app. The Metatrak S7 system comes with 12 months free subscription meaning you don't have to worry about any subscription costs after the first year. After the first year it's a simple £100 per year. This allows the secure control center to monitor the vehicle 365 days per year, 24 hours per day.
You may also get an insurance discount when having a Thatcham approved S7 tracker installed due to the system being recognized by all major insurance companies, however it's always best to check with your insurance company if your buying it on this basis. The Metatrak also gives you important information such as battery voltage meaning if you install this onto a camper you can check to see if your battery is in good health.
Unlike other tracking systems the Meta is very small to install and as such it can be hidden better than many other systems on the market. The chances of someone finding it are very low due to it being installed in a very covert manor by us. Remember a tracker is only as good as the installing engineer and as such you should always get a tracking system installed by a good engineer such as In Car Advancements. If you require a professional tracking installation you can call us on 07525 068291.