VW Scirocco Autowatch Ghost Fitted Essex
Due to this customers last vehicle being stolen he wasn't taking any chances with his replacement. Due to the Ghost being a completely hidden immobiliser it works extremely well on this vehicle by allowing the vehicle to start and then the engine will die after 1 second. The vehicle won't be allowed to re-start until a secure code has been entered via the original buttons. Having an Autowatch Ghost is the best route if your looking for an immobiliser only solution.
Due to the system having no LEDs or wiring to chase back it makes trying to find or bypass the Ghost almost impossible. The Ghost uses an original light within the dash cluster to confirm the correct code entry, we also added a buzzer to this install meaning you will also get 2 small beeps when the correct code has been entered. This gives a very sleek installation and you wouldn't even know your car has been apart.
If your looking for a security upgrade such as a Autowatch Ghost or alarm and immobiliser installation get in touch and we can advise on the best security product for your VW. You can phone us on 07525 068291 or email us Sales@in-car-advancements.co.uk