Proximity Sensor and Window Tints11 October 2015 | Admin Many customers are confused as to why a Proximity car alarm sensor can be effected by window tints. Some customers have had success with having there windows tinted and there proximity sensor still works perfect. And we can tell you exactly the reason why, it has nothing to do with the shade of film it terms of light or very dark tint. Its the make up within the films layer and most window film brands have a standard line and a high performance line of film to suit different customer requirements. standard window film works best with dual zone proximity sensors due to it having no metal built into the film. Window films with metal applied and built into the film will cause issues and in some cases the proximity sensor won't work at all. The metal film lines are commonly known as HP or high performance line and another quick way of telling is the amount of heat the window film rejects which is listed on the specs. Standard and Carbon window film lines will normally work fine with most Clifford and Viper proximity sensors. If you are having trouble with your alarm after having window tints installed you will need to have it re tinted with new film which doesn't contain metal. Or you can always have your dual zone proximity sensor swapped for a shock sensor, due to car windows being harder to smash once tinted. And always remember it is illegal to apply any window film to the front windows of any vehicle in the UK. |