Pandora Mini BT V2 - VS - Starline E66

As with all products it's good to know exactly what features your getting from each product. Here we are comparing the Pandora Mini BT V2 Thatcham approved system alongside the Starline E66. Both of these products can be found on our website Pandora Mini BT V2 Thatcham or Starline E66.  Both these products are the entry products into the alarm range both offering an alarm and immobiliser, both these systems use an ADR tag which needs to be within range to allow the alarm to disarm and disarm the immobiliser. Both these systems would alongside the factory vehicle remote, meaning locking the doors will arm the system and unlocking will disarm the system ( providing a ADR tag is within range ).

Both these systems come with a 3 year warranty which is the standard with Russian made alarm systems. Both systems also use a 2032 battery inside the ADR tag. The Starline E66 also has a blue LED and the Pandora has a green LED.

One thing to remember the Pandora Mini BT is Thatcham approved this means the very sleek small siren has an inbuilt back up Battery, any form of tampering such as cutting the wiring while the system is armed will make the alarm keep sounding. The system also uses very small black relays which meet the Thatcham requirements. As you can see from the pictures the Pandora Mini BT V2 has the smallest alarm ECU in the world. The Pandora Mini can be taped into a vehicle harness making the installation more secure than any other alarm currently on the market. The Starline E66 is not currently Thatcham approved ( but it could be with some changes in the future ).

Due to the Pandora Mini BT V2 being Thatcham approved also has an interior motion sensor which will trigger in the event of someone leaning into the vehicles interior.

If you would like to find out more on either product give us a call on 07525068291.