Cobra ADR Countdown

In Car Advancements can modify the Cobra ADR alarm and immobiliser system to give an active countdown. If no ADR card is present when returning to your vehicle and unlocking with the original remote control. This is designed to offer ultimate security and warn anyone the alarm will sound shortly if no ADR card is found. Why has the Cobra ADR got this countdown? Many customers didn't know there was a timer delay when entering your vehicle, When disarming your alarm the system is looking for a card to be within / near the vehicle. If this is not found the alarm goes into a pre disarm state for 30 seconds.

  • Open / unlock vehicle with original remote
  • Alarm goes into pre disarmed state ( 30 Seconds )
  • The first 15 seconds are silent during this pre disarmed state
  • After 15 seconds the alarm starts bleeping
  • The alarm will sound if no card is found after the bleeping expires

Please note the pre disarm only starts if the vehicle is unlocked with the original remote control. If for example the vehicle is broken into such as picking the drivers door / opening it the alarm will sound instantly. If you would like the Cobra ADR fitted in Essex you can call us on 07525 068291.

Cobra ADR Alarm Systems